Business sectors

Transport and Vehicles

Technical Bodies

In the age of constant change, developing and maintaining a safe, efficient, resilient, and sustainable transport system in Europe is vital for citizens, the economy, and the environment.

Thanks to a strong expertise in this domain present in the industry, SMEs, and sectorial federations, European standardization for transport systems is active all across the board: from road to space and from rail to water. This work encompasses horizontal topics of various nature, such as interoperability, intermodality, the transport of dangerous goods, and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).

Many of the standards developed and adopted by CEN and CENELEC in this area support Standardization Requests issued by the European Commission. These Harmonised Standards (hENs) facilitate the implementation of relevant European legislation. In particular, European standards developed by CEN and CENELEC provide crucial support to EU legislation relating to the interoperability of Europe’s rail system (2016/797/EU), recreational crafts and personal watercrafts (2013/53/EU), the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (EU 2023/180), cableway installations designed to carry passengers (2016/424/EU), the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (2010/40/EU), and the performance, safety, and sustainability requirements for batteries of vehicles (EU 2023/1542). Furthermore, European standards developed by CEN and CENELEC also directly support some key international regulations like the ADR (the agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) and RID (the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail).

44 Technical Bodies responsible

ASD-STAN Aerospace
CEN/CLC/JTC 20 Hyperloop systems
CEN/CLC/JTC 5 Space Space
CEN/SS T03 Road Vehicles
CEN/TC 15 Inland navigation vessels
CEN/TC 119 Intermodal Loading Units and Cargo Securing (ILUCS)
CEN/TC 226 Road equipment
CEN/TC 242 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to transport persons.
CEN/TC 245 Leisure accommodation vehicles
CEN/TC 256 Railway applications
CEN/TC 261 Packaging
CEN/TC 274 Aircraft ground support equipment
CEN/TC 278 Intelligent transport systems
CEN/TC 296 Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods
CEN/TC 301 Road vehicles
CEN/TC 320 Transport - Logistics and services
CEN/TC 326 Natural gas vehicles - Fuelling and operation
CEN/TC 333 Cycles
CEN/TC 337 Road operation equipment and products
CEN/TC 354 Light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities and not subject to type-approval for on-road use
CEN/TC 377 Air Traffic Management
CEN/TC 413 Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods with or without cooling and/or heating device
CEN/TC 436 Cabin Air Quality on civil aircraft - Chemical Agents
CEN/TC 464 Small Craft
CEN/TC 471 Unmanned aircraft systems
CEN/WS 069 Car-Adaptations for Drivers and Passengers of Motor Vehicles
CEN/WS 090 Real drive test method for collecting emission
CEN/WS 098 Bionic Aircraft - ALM technology and bionic design
CEN/WS 103 Real drive test method for collecting vehicle in-cabin pollutant data
CEN/WS 106 Specification for bunkering of methanol
CEN/WS 113 Framework linking dismantled parts with new design components for the automotive industry in a circular economy model
CEN/WS CORE Multiconstellation based services for goods transport tracking & tracing applications
CLC/BTTF 116-2 Alcohol interlocks
CLC/BTTF 69-3 Road traffic signal systems
CLC/SR SET Sustainable Electrified Transportation
CLC/SR 107 Process management for avionics
CLC/SR 125 Personal e-Transporters (PeTs)
CLC/SR 18A Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units
CLC/SR 80 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems
CLC/SR 97 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes
CLC/TC 18X Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units
CLC/TC 69X Electrical systems for electric road vehicles
CLC/TC 9X Electrical and electronic applications for railways
CLC/SC 9XB Electrical, electronic and electromechanical material on board rolling stock, including associated software

CEN/TC 256 ‘Railways applications’ will continue working on the development of a vital new standard for railways. This standard is dedicated to the performance requirements of specific interface geometry and test method for the Digital Freight Automatic Coupler (DAC). This work is in the framework of EU standardization request M/591 supporting Directive (EU) 2016/797 on railway interoperability in the EU.

As digital automatic coupler is one of the important recent railway innovations, with high potential impact for railway freight transport, this standard has been long-awaited by the railway industry, the operators, and the EU railway regulator. This new standard will specify the minimum interface requirements to allow automatic coupling (mechanical and pneumatic) of two digital automatic couplers. The standard will further specify the mechanical interfaces needed for the interoperability of electrical couplers. Additionally, it will cover the requirements for DACs integrated into locomotives and coupler-to-coupler interfaces for hybrid coupler solutions. The important work of CEN/TC 256 will be done together with the work on the digital and electrical requirements needed for the DAC under the responsibility of CLC/TC 9X ‘Electrical and electronic applications for railways’, with prEN 50746 on ‘Electrotechnical requirements and test methods for DAC (DAC – Digital automatic coupler for freight)’, and prEN 50747 on ‘Requirements and test methods for electrotechnical equipment for digital freight train operation’. Both of these standards are being developed in the framework of EU standardization request M/591 supporting Directive (EU) 2016/797 on railway interoperability in the EU.


CEN/TC 296 ‘Tanks for transport of dangerous goods’ will work on the revision of EN 14564, the terminology standard for tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. This standard is important for the sector as it provides additional terms and definitions to those written in the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) or the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), in Appendix C of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF).

CLC/TC 9X ‘Electrical and electronic applications for railways’ will work on the revision of the two parts of the EN 50206 series on the characteristics and tests for pantograph: for main line vehicles (part 1) and metros and light rail vehicles (part 2).

CEN/TC 301 ‘Road vehicles’ will continue with the revision of EN ISO 18243 on the test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems for electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles.

CLC/TC 69X ‘Electrical systems for road vehicles’ will continue the parallel revision of EN IEC 61980-4 on the interoperability and safety of high-power wireless power transfer (H-WPT) for electric vehicles, which is under EU standardization request M/581 supporting Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 on alternative fuels infrastructure.

CEN/TC 286 ‘Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories’ will work on the revision of EN 12805 ‘Automotive LPG components – Containers’. This standard specifies the requirements for the design, manufacturing, and testing of welded steel automotive LPG containers, to be permanently attached to a motor vehicle where the automotive LPG is to be used as fuel in the vehicle.

CEN/TC 278 ‘Intelligent Transport Systems’ (ITS) is dedicated to developing a comprehensive set of standards. These standards – covering the interoperability, safety, and efficiency of ITS – are designed to improve transportation. They span a wide range of applications, including traffic management, road safety, and communication between vehicles and infrastructure, ensuring a thorough approach to the development of ITS standards.

The collective expertise of CEN/TC 278/WG 8, which focuses on ‘Road Traffic Data (RTD)’, is crucial for advancing the following work items (WI) within the EN 16157 series in 2025. This group is dedicated to designing standards for exchanging traffic and travel data, providing a framework for real-time communication related to road transport and traffic management. Their standards, used by traffic management centres, service providers, and application developers, ensure consistent and accurate data sharing.

  • EN 16157-1 ‘DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 1: Context and framework’ is of paramount importance as it sets the context and framework for DATEX II data exchange, with specific focus on the components necessary for sharing traffic and travel information. It describes the framework for data content, structure, and relationships pertinent to road networks and Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). Moreover, it lays down the specifications for data exchange among Traffic Information Centres (TICs), Traffic Control Centres (TCCs), and Service Providers (SPs), serving as the foundational reference for all other parts of the standard.


  • EN 16157-7 ‘DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 7: Common data elements’ is instrumental in the standardization and interoperability of traffic management and information systems. It defines common data elements, providing a detailed framework, context, and specifications for data content, structure, and communications. It addresses various traffic and travel information types, including road traffic events, operator actions, measurement data, and travel information applicable to TICs, TCCs, and SPs. This part focuses on common informational structures and data types used across publications.


  • EN 16157-3 ‘DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 3: Situation Publication’ is a key player in the EN series, as it specifies the informational structures for publishing road traffic situation information. It defines the roles, attributes, and data types required for situation publication, excluding location-specific elements covered in other parts. These standards, when implemented, will significantly enhance the exchange of traffic and travel data, ensuring consistency and interoperability across various systems and stakeholders, thereby making a tangible difference in the field of traffic management.

CEN/TC 278/WG 1 ‘Electronic Fee Collection and Access Control (EFC)’ is dedicated to developing standards for electronic systems used in toll collection and access control, ensuring interoperability and efficiency in these processes. It aims to make significant progress on EN ISO/DIS 12855 ‘Electronic fee collection – Information exchange between service provision and toll charging (ISO/DIS 12855:2024)’, which specifies the interfaces and information exchange between electronic fee collection (EFC) back-office systems for vehicle-related services, such as road user charging, parking, and access control. It details the exchange of charging-related, administrative, and confirmation data between service provision and toll charging systems. The document covers data transfer mechanisms, information objects, and data syntax and semantics, using ASN.1 for data definitions. It does not address communications with external parties, public transport EFC systems, complex transactions, payment processes, or definitions of communication channels and protocols.

Finally, CEN/TC 278/WG 16 ‘Cooperative ITS’ will finalize standards related to communications and general system support in this field. In 2025, the aim is to finalize:

  • EN 18052 ‘Intelligent transport systems – ESafety – ECall end to end conformance testing for eCall HLAP in hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network environments’, which provides conformance testing protocols for eCall systems in hybrid network environments that involve In-Vehicle Systems, Mobile Network Operators, and Public Safety Answering Points. It revises and adapts existing protocols to ensure compliance with EN 17905 for new systems and products, excluding individual vehicle installations.




CEN/TC 464 ‘Small craft’ develops European standards for small watercraft up to 24 meters, focusing on safety, performance, and compliance with the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) (Directive 2013/53/EU). The committee’s work includes design and construction requirements, manufacturing quality, performance and safety specifications, and environmental sustainability.
The key goals are to ensure harmonized safety standards, address new technologies (such as electric propulsion and eco-friendly designs), and align with international bodies like ISO to promote global consistency. This benefits manufacturers and users by enhancing the safety, quality, and sustainability of small craft.

Overview for 2025 of the standards supported by CEN/TC 464, in collaboration with ISO/TC 188 for ‘Small Craft’

  • The EN ISO 12217 series, a cornerstone for the small craft industry, establishes standards for evaluating the stability and buoyancy of small craft. Part 1 is dedicated to non-sailing boats over 6 meters, Part 2 to sailing boats over 6 meters, and Part 3 to boats under 6 meters. These standards are crucial for ensuring safety, and they categorize boats based on their ability to handle various sea conditions, with specific provisions for stability and floatation in different environments.


  • EN ISO 10239 ‘Small Craft – Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Systems (ISO/DIS 10239:2024)’ is a pillar of the small craft industry. It outlines the requirements for installing permanently mounted liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems and LPG-burning appliances on small craft. It includes guidelines for portable cooking appliances with internal LPG cartridges up to 225 grams and the storage of all LPG cylinders, all with the primary goal of ensuring safety.


  • EN ISO 16315 ‘Small Craft – Electrical Systems for Electrical Propulsion (ISO/DIS 16315:2023)’ is a pivotal standard that specifies the design and installation requirements for AC and DC electrical systems used in electrical and hybrid propulsion systems on small craft. It applies to systems with direct current up to 1,500 V, single-phase AC up to 1,000 V, and three-phase AC up to 1,000 V, for vessels up to 24 meters in hull length, providing a solid foundation for the design and installation of electrical systems.




  • EN ISO 23625 ‘Small Craft – Lithium-ion Batteries (ISO/DIS 23625:2024)’: With the increasing use of lithium-ion batteries for electrical propulsion and auxiliary systems in small craft, this document offers guidelines for selecting and installing lithium-ion batteries on boats, specifically for systems with capacities over 600 Wh. It covers their general electrical loads and electric propulsion use, targeting manufacturers and battery installers.

These standards are crucial for enhancing small watercraft' safety, performance, and sustainability, ensuring that manufacturers and users comply with EU regulations and best practices when applicable.

CEN/TC 471 ‘Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ will finalize certain parts of the EN 4709 series on the design of drones for civil use.

Standards published by CEN and CENELEC in the sector

  • CEN and CENELEC Portfolio of deliverables: 3989 ENs + 293 other deliverables
  • Work items currently in the Work Programme: 586 ENs + 44 other deliverables

Standardization requests from EC/EFTA

  • M/338 – Electronic road tolls systems
  • M/390 – European Air Traffic
  • M/421 – Vehicle OBD
  • M/486 – Urban Rail
  • M/496 – Space industry
  • M/542 – Recreational crafts II
  • M/557 – Marine equipment
  • M/567 – UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
  • M/578 – ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)
  • M/579 – Batteries
  • M/581 – Alternative fuels infrastructure II
  • M/584 – Plastic recyling & recycled plastics
  • M/591 – Rail interoperability II
  • M/597 – Cableway Installations II
  • M/598 – ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)

Further information