Business sectors

Mechanical and Machinery

Technical Bodies

About fifty CEN and CENELEC technical bodies are involved in standardization for the machinery sector. They deal with different types of machinery to be used in agriculture, industrial manufacturing, mining, construction, as well as by consumers.

The sector also includes eleven technical bodies dealing with laboratory, optical and precision equipment (excluding glasses), two technical bodies developing standards on welding, and a further twelve that handle standardization on tanks and pressure equipment. These Technical Committees (TCs) are mainly composed of industry representatives, notified bodies, national health and safety institutes, and representatives from market surveillance organizations from interested Member States.

A considerable proportion of the deliverables produced in the sector are harmonized standards that give users the presumption of conformity with the EU Directives on Machinery (2006/42/EC) / Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230, Lifts (2014/33/EU), Pressure equipment (2014/68/EU), Simple pressure vessels (2014/29/EU), and Measuring instruments (2014/32/EU).

Many CEN and CENELEC standards for machinery, pressure equipment, and measuring instruments are identical to international ones: this is an important characteristic since the markets for these products tend to be entirely global. The mechanical and machinery sector is therefore a good example of bringing together European requirements with an internationally accepted approach.

Finally, the CEN and CENELEC Coordination Group on Machinery coordinates standardization activities among technical bodies dealing with machinery, facilitates the exchange of information among different stakeholders, and identifies standardization needs, in particular in relation to harmonized standards under the Machinery Directive/Machinery Regulation.

83 Technical Bodies responsible

CEN/CLC/JTC 18 Weighing instruments
CEN/CLC/WS EFPFInterOp European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing Interoperability
CEN/CLC/WS MIRACLE Lens-based adaptor system for coupling fibre optic to laser sources
CEN/CLC/WS Monsoon Predictive management of data intensive industrial processes
CEN/CLC/WS ZDMTerm Zero Defects in Digital Manufacturing Terminology
CEN/SS F05 Measuring Instruments
CEN/SS H10 Sewing machines
CEN/SS I03 Limits and fits
CEN/SS I09 Small tools
CEN/TC 10 Lifts, escalators and moving walks
CEN/TC 114 Safety of machinery
CEN/TC 12 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy
CEN/TC 121 Welding and allied processes
CEN/TC 123 Lasers and photonics
CEN/TC 142 Woodworking machines - Safety
CEN/TC 143 Machine tools - Safety
CEN/TC 144 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry
CEN/TC 145 Plastics and rubber machines
CEN/TC 146 Packaging machines - Safety
CEN/TC 147 Cranes - Safety
CEN/TC 148 Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety
CEN/TC 149 Power-operated warehouse equipment
CEN/TC 150 Industrial Trucks - Safety
CEN/TC 151 Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety
CEN/TC 152 Fairground and amusement park machinery and structures - Safety
CEN/TC 153 Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs and feed
CEN/TC 168 Chains, ropes, webbing, slings and accessories - Safety
CEN/TC 176 Thermal energy meters
CEN/TC 182 Refrigerating systems, safety and environmental requirements
CEN/TC 186 Industrial thermoprocessing - Safety
CEN/TC 188 Conveyor belts
CEN/TC 190 Foundry technology
CEN/TC 196 Mining machinery and equipment - Safety
CEN/TC 197 Pumps
CEN/TC 198 Printing and paper machinery - Safety
CEN/TC 202 Foundry machinery
CEN/TC 210 GRP tanks and vessels
CEN/TC 211 Acoustics
CEN/TC 213 Cartridge operated hand-held tools - Safety
CEN/TC 214 Textile machinery and accessories
CEN/TC 23 Transportable gas cylinders
CEN/TC 232 Compressors, vacuum pumps and their systems
CEN/TC 236 Non industrial manually operated shut-off valves for gas and particular combinations valves-other products
CEN/TC 237 Gas meters
CEN/TC 240 Thermal spraying and thermally sprayed coatings
CEN/TC 255 Hand-held, non-electric power tools - Safety
CEN/TC 265 Metallic tanks for the storage of liquids
CEN/TC 267 Industrial piping and pipelines
CEN/TC 268 Cryogenic vessels and specific hydrogen technologies applications
CEN/TC 269 Shell and water-tube boilers
CEN/TC 270 Internal combustion engines
CEN/TC 271 Surface treatment equipment - Safety
CEN/TC 286 Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories
CEN/TC 310 Advanced automation technologies and their applications
CEN/TC 313 Centrifuges
CEN/TC 318 Hydrometry
CEN/TC 322 Equipments for making and shaping of metals - Safety requirements
CEN/TC 332 Laboratory equipment
CEN/TC 334 Irrigation techniques
CEN/TC 344 Steel static storage systems
CEN/TC 393 Equipment for storage tanks and for filling stations
CEN/TC 397 Baling presses - Safety requirements
CEN/TC 399 Gas Turbines applications - Safety
CEN/TC 406 Mechanical products - Ecodesign methodology
CEN/TC 423 Means of measuring and/or recording temperature in the cold chain
CEN/TC 429 Food hygiene - Commercial warewashing machines - Hygiene requirements and testing
CEN/TC 433 Entertainment Technology - Machinery, equipment and installations
CEN/TC 438 Additive Manufacturing
CEN/TC 458 Industrial rotating mixing systems
CEN/TC 54 Unfired pressure vessels
CEN/TC 69 Industrial valves
CEN/TC 74 Flanges and their joints
CEN/TC 92 Water meters
CEN/TC 98 Lifting platforms
CEN/WS 093 Industrial Symbiosis
CEN/WS 097 Articulated industrial robots - Elastostatic compliance calibration
CLC/BTTF 128-2 Erection and operation of electrical test equipment
CLC/SR SM Smart Manufacturing
CLC/TC 116 Safety and environmental aspects of motor-operated electric tools
CLC/TC 2 Rotating machinery
CLC/TC 26 Electric welding
CLC/TC 44X Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects
CLC/TC 66X Safety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment

CEN/TC 114 ‘Safety of machinery’ develops standards and other documents on general principles for the safety of machinery, including terminology and methodology. Close to 100% of the standards published by CEN/TC 114 on the safety of machinery are developed in cooperation with ISO/TC 199, and most of them support the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC).
In 2025, CEN/TC 114 will continue the revision of EN ISO 12100 ‘Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction’. The aim of the revision is to review certain definitions, align the content to the Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230, and introduce the links to the most recent horizontal documents of CEN/TC 114, among others.
CLC/TC 44X ‘Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects’ develops harmonized standards that primarily relate to electrical and electronic equipment and systems of machines (including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner, excluding higher-level systems aspects) not portable by hand while working, but which may include mobile equipment. In 2025, CLC/TC 44X will continue the work on EN 50742 ‘Safety of machinery – Protection against corruption’. This standard will support the Machinery Regulation by providing tailored requirements for cybersecurity, specifically addressing the protection against data corruption that could lead to safety-related issues.


CEN/TC 10 ‘Lifts, escalators and moving walks’ standards address the safety, accessibility, and environmental aspects of lifting appliances intended to carry persons and/or lifting appliances including escalators, lifts, lifting platforms, stairlifts, lifting tables, and lifts for specific applications. In 2025, CEN/TC 10 will continue to work on the following projects:

• EN 81-42 ‘Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods – Part 42: Vertical lifting appliances with enclosed carrier intended for use by persons, including persons with disability’ in support of the Machinery Directive/Regulation and M/396;
• EN 81-76 ‘Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts – Part 76: Evacuation of persons with disabilities using lifts’ in support of the Lifts Directive and M/599.

CEN/TC 197 ‘Pumps’ is responsible for developing standards related to the safety and performance of pumps and pumping machinery used for liquids, including those where pumps serve as the primary operational mechanism. In 2025, CEN/TC 197 will finalize EN 17038-3 ‘Pumps – Methods of qualification of the Energy Efficiency Index for rotordynamic pump units – Part 3: Testing and calculation of energy efficiency index (EEI) of booster sets’. In addition, CEN/TC 197 plans to initiate the revision of EN 809 ‘Pumps and pump units for liquids – Common safety requirements’ in 2025, in support of the Machinery Regulation.

CEN/TC 145 ‘Plastics and rubber machines’ develops standards in the field of machines used for the preparation and processing of plastics and rubber. In 2025, CEN/TC 145 will continue the revision of prEN 16474 ‘Plastics and rubber machines – Tyre curing machines – Safety requirements’ in support of the Machinery Directive/Regulation. Additionally, CEN/TC 145 will start the revision of the following project, addressing the safety requirements of the Machinery Regulation:

• EN 289 ‘Plastics and rubber machines – Compression moulding machines and transfer moulding machines – Safety requirements’.

CEN/TC 146 ‘Packaging machines safety’ develops standards in the field of safety of machines and equipment used to prepare (not including the manufacture of packaging material), fill, close assemble, and package containers of solids, liquids, powders, and gases. In 2025, CEN/TC 146 will finalize the following revisions of standards in support of the Machinery Directive:

• EN 415-2 ‘Safety of packaging machines – Part 2: Packaging machines for pre-formed rigid containers’;
• EN 415-7 ‘Safety of packaging machines – Part 7: Cartoning and case packing machines’;
• EN 415-8 ‘Safety of packaging machines – Part 8: Strapping machines’.

CEN/TC 147 ‘Crane Safety' is responsible for developing safety standards for the design and manufacturing of various types of cranes. In 2025, the technical committee will continue its work on creating European Standards for several crane types. Notably, the following key standards, which are essential for complying with the Machinery Regulation (2023/1230), are currently under revision and are expected to be published in 2025:
• EN 13001-3-5 ‘Cranes – General design – Part 3-5: Limit states and proof of competence of forged and cast hooks‘. This standard specifies general conditions, requirements, and methods to prevent mechanical hazards in crane hooks.
• EN 14238 ‘Cranes – Manually controlled load manipulators‘. This document specifies requirements for manually controlled load manipulating devices for the handling of loads.
Additionally, CEN/TC 147 has scheduled the revision of the following standards to ensure they meet the essential health and safety requirements of the Machinery Regulation (2023/1230). These updated standards are expected to be published in 2025:
• EN 14492-1 ‘Cranes – Power driven winches and hoists – Part 1: Power driven winches‘. This standard will provide a safe basis for the application of winches designed for the movement or manipulation of loads.
• EN 13852-2 ‘Cranes – Offshore cranes – Part 2: Floating cranes‘. This standard will specify the safety requirements for floating cranes, including their supporting pedestals or structures.
• EN 15056 ‘Cranes – Requirements for container handling spreaders‘. This standard specifies safety requirements of spreaders for the purpose of handling freight containers.

CEN/TC 150 ‘Industrial Trucks Safety’ will continue to collaborate closely with ISO/TC 110 to develop globally relevant safety standards for industrial trucks which also address specific regional requirements. This work will focus on preparing for the Machinery Regulation (EU 2023/1230). In 2025, CEN/TC 150 is planning to finalize EN 17968 ‘Rough-terrain variable-reach tractors – Safety requirements and verification for permanently mounted equipment’. The standard deals with all significant hazards and hazardous situations relevant to the operation of the PME (such as fork arms, bale spikes, and mowers).

CEN/TC 151 ‘Construction equipment and building material machines – Safety’ develops standards in the field of safety of machines and equipment used on construction sites, for winter service and highway maintenance, as well as for the production and processing of mineral building materials. In 2025, CEN/TC 151 plans to finalize work on the following candidate harmonized standards in support of the Machinery Directive/Regulation:

• EN 12348 ‘Core drilling machines on stand – Safety’;
• EN 15027 ‘Transportable wall saw and wire saw equipment for job site – Safety’.

CEN/TC 176 ‘Thermal energy meters’ focuses on the standardization of thermal energy meters, covering requirements for accuracy, construction, and testing, including recommendations for installation, commissioning, and operation of all types, sizes, and working principles of thermal energy meters. In 2025, CEN/TC 176 will finalize CEN/TR 13582 ‘Installation of thermal energy meters – Guidelines for the selection, installation and operation of thermal energy meters’.

CEN/TC 232 ‘Compressors, vacuum pumps and their systems’ develops standards in the field of compressors and vacuum pumps, portable and stationary, for all compressible gases and their systems. In 2025, CEN/TC 232 aims to publish EN ISO 18623-1 ‘Air compressors and compressed air systems – Part 1: Air compressor safety requirements (ISO/DIS 18623-1:2023)’. This standard deals with all significant hazards and hazardous situations relevant to the design, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, and disposal of compressors and compressor units.

CEN/TC 310 ‘Advanced automation technologies and their applications’ develops standards in the field of automation systems and technologies and their application and integration to ensure the availability of the standards required by industry for design, sourcing, manufacturing and delivery, support, maintenance and disposal of products, and their associated services. In 2025, CEN/TC 310 will continue working on EN ISO 13482 ‘Robotics – Safety requirements for service robots (ISO/DIS 13482:2024)’ in support of the Machinery Directive/Regulation.

CEN/TC 332 ‘Laboratory equipment’ closely collaborates with its international counterpart ISO/TC 48 to adopt European Standards (ENs) for laboratory equipment. These standards closely align in structure and content with ISO standards, making the transformation between the two systems both reasonable and promising. Furthermore, in 2025, CEN/TC 332 will work on the following standards:

• EN 17242 'Recirculatory Filtration Fume Cupboards';
• EN 16589-2 'Laboratory Local Exhaust Devices – Part 2: Commissioning and On-Site Testing'.

CLC/TC 78 ‘Equipment and tools for live working’ develops standards for work equipment, devices and tools, including personal protective equipment used for work on or near live electrical systems or installations. In 2025, CLC/TC 78 will finalize EN 50374 'Conductor Carts' to support the essential health and safety requirements of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC).

Harmonizing Standards for Pressure Equipment in Europe: An Ongoing Collaboration

Pressure equipment, with its diverse devices and unique complexities in materials, operating conditions, manufacturing processes, and control technologies, underscores the need for the highest safety standards across industries. Central to this, the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (Directive 2014/68/EU) and the Simple Pressure Vessels Directive (SPVD) (2014/29/EU) are crucial to govern the design, manufacture, and conformity assessment of pressure equipment used in numerous sectors in the European Union.

To ensure compliance with these regulations, several CEN Technical Committees (TCs) are actively working to deliver harmonized standards in support of both the PED and the SPVD. This coordinated effort is part of recent Standardization Requests that involve developing, revising, and updating 234 European standards for PED and 9 for SPVD.

CEN/TC 54 will finalize the EN 286 series, which addresses 'Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen’, in support of the SPVD.

Furthermore, CEN/TC 121 ‘Welding and allied processes’, following the Vienna Agreement, will conclude work on several crucial standards:

• EN ISO 15613 'Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic Materials – Qualification Based on Pre-Production Welding Test’ (ISO/DIS 15613:2022);
• EN ISO 15611 ‘Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic Materials – Qualification Based on Previous Welding Experience’ (ISO/FDIS 15611:2023);
• EN ISO 15614-11 'Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic Materials – Welding Procedure Test – Part 11: Electron and Laser Beam Welding’ (ISO/DIS 15614-11:2022).

Moreover, the following set of European standards are expected to be finalized or make further progress in 2025 :

• EN 17533 ‘Gaseous hydrogen – Cylinders and tubes for stationary storage’
• EN 764-7 ‘Pressure equipment – Part 7: Safety systems for unfired pressure equipment’
• EN 13445-3:2021/FprA1 ‘Unfired pressure vessels – Part 3: Design’
• EN 13445-14 ‘Unfired pressure vessels – Part 14: Additional requirements for pressure equipment and pressure components fabricated with additive manufacturing methods’
• EN 13397 rev ‘Industrial valves – Metallic diaphragm valves’
• EN 12392 ‘Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Wrought products and cast products – Special requirements for products intended for the production of pressure equipment’
• EN ISO 21028-1 ‘Cryogenic vessels – Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature – Part 1: Temperatures below -80 degrees C’ (ISO/DIS 21028-1:2024)
• EN ISO 21009-1 ‘Cryogenic vessels – Static vacuum-insulated vessels – Part 1: Design, fabrication, inspection and tests’ (ISO/DIS 21009-1:2024)
• EN 12953-1 ‘Shell boilers – Part 1: General’
• EN 12953-2 ‘Shell boilers – Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories’
• EN 14917:2021/prA1 ‘Metal bellows expansion joints for pressure applications’
• EN 10253-2:2021/prA1 ‘Butt-welding pipe fittings – Part 2: Non alloy and ferritic alloy steels with specific inspection requirements’

Moreover, with hydrogen playing an increasingly pivotal role in various industries, several CEN technical committees are in the process of revising existing standards under the framework of the Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU) to cater to the emerging demand for hydrogen deployment technologies. Their scope also extends to meet the aviation sector's current needs, in line with Europe's 2050 climate objectives.

To this end, significant efforts are already underway in CEN/TC 54 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessels’. This technical committee aims to specify the requirements for unfired pressure vessels and their components designed for hydrogen applications, in addition to the general requirements for unfired pressure vessels.

Other technical committees, such as CEN/TC 267 ‘Industrial piping and pipelines’ and CEN/TC 69 ‘Industrial Valves’, are actively planning to progress work on hydrogen related topics.

Finally, the CEN Strategic Advisory Group on Pressure Equipment will continue to facilitate the exchange of information and the coordination between different stakeholders. It also identifies standardization needs in relation to harmonized standards under the Pressure Equipment Directive and the Simple Pressure Vessel Directive.

Standards published by CEN and CENELEC in the sector

  • CEN and CENELEC Portfolio of deliverables: 2443 ENs + 122 other deliverables
  • Work items currently in the Work Programme: 564 ENs + 11 other deliverables

Standardization requests from EC/EFTA

  • M/BC/CEN/86/6 - Simple pressure vessels
  • M/396 - Machinery
  • M/435 - Inspection of pesticide application equipment in use
  • M/471 - Machinery for pesticide application
  • M/541 - Measuring instruments
  • M/599 - Lifts
  • M/601 - Pressure equipments
  • M/602 – Simple Pressure Vessels


  • M/XXX – Machinery (forthcoming Standardization Request for the Machinery Regulation expected to be finalised in 2024)

Further information