Business sectors

Household Appliances and HVAC

Technical Bodies

Household appliances and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) is one of the areas where the use and importance of standards in everyday life is more evident.

The standardization work in this field is very broad and covers a wide range of activities. Over 20 CEN and CENELEC Technical Committees (TCs) are responsible for developing European Standards that ensure a high level of performance and safety for a wide variety of everyday products, from kitchen toasters to washing machines and central heating boilers. To do that, they consider the diversity of their users (such as professionals, youngsters, elderly people or people with disabilities, to name only a few).

25 Technical Bodies responsible

CEN/CLC/JTC 17 Gas Appliances with Combined Heat and Power
CEN/SS H99 Products for household and leisure use - Undetermined
CEN/TC 106 Large kitchen appliances using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 109 Central heating boilers using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 110 Heat exchangers
CEN/TC 113 Heat pumps and air conditioning units
CEN/TC 130 Space heating and/or cooling appliances without integral thermal sources
CEN/TC 131 Forced draught burners for gaseous and liquid fuels
CEN/TC 171 Heat cost allocation
CEN/TC 180 Decentralized gas heating
CEN/TC 181 Appliances and leisure vehicle installations using liquefied petroleum gas and appliances using natural gas for outdoor use
CEN/TC 195 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases
CEN/TC 238 Test gases, test pressures, appliance categories and gas appliance types
CEN/TC 295 Residential solid fuel burning appliances
CEN/TC 299 Gas-fired sorption appliances, indirect fired sorption appliances, gas-fired endothermic engine heat pumps and domestic gas-fired washing and drying appliances
CEN/TC 44 Commercial and Professional Refrigerating Appliances and Systems, Performance and Energy Consumption
CEN/TC 46 Fireplaces for liquid fuels
CEN/TC 48 Domestic gas-fired water heaters
CEN/TC 49 Gas cooking appliances
CEN/TC 57 Central heating boilers
CEN/TC 58 Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous or liquid fuels
CEN/TC 62 Independent gas-fired space heaters
CEN/WS Hycool Characterization of a hybrid heat pump module
CLC/TC 59X Performance of household and similar electrical appliances
CLC/TC 61 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances

CLC/TC 59X ‘Performance of household and similar electrical appliances’ prepares European Standards on methods of measurement to help determine the performance of electrical appliances for household and commercial use that are of interest to users.

Most of the products covered by CLC/TC 59X fall under the scope of several ecodesign implementing regulations and energy labelling regulations adopted by the European Commission.

In this context, in 2025, CLC/TC 59X will finalize the amendment to EN 61121 ‘Tumble dryers for household use – Methods for measuring the performance’, which describes the tests for the verification of energy efficiency, condensation efficiency, and the noise level of tumble dryers. The objective is to align this standard to the provisions of the new ecodesign and energy labelling regulations for tumble dryers. This provides European consumers with valuable information, enabling them to make an informed choice and eventually increase the market for more energy efficient products.

In support of the new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 (ESPR), as part of a package of measures that are central to achieving the objectives of the 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan, the following two projects are highlighted among the first documents specifying the methods on the product level:

  • The development of EN 50731 ‘Durability – Measurement method for the assessment of the reliability of washing machines for household use’. This standard is a building block to assess the durability of washing machines. It will push for the durable design of machines, the improvement of their environmental impact, and the use time for consumers who will then be able to help make informed purchase decisions.
  • The development of a brand-new standard on ‘General methods for the assessment of the ability to repair electric instantaneous water heaters’. In the context of the energy transition, water heating using electric instantaneous water heaters is becoming increasingly important. Decentralized hot water appliances make it possible to separate heating and hot water production. As a pioneer for electric water heaters, CLC/TC 59X has developed a repair index for the appliance group of electric instantaneous water heater products.

Additionally, CLC/TC 59X will continue the work with IEC on prEN 62301 ‘Household electrical appliances – Measurement of standby power’ supporting Regulation (EU) 2023/826. This standard will specify methods for measuring Low Power Modes (such as standby) for a wide range of electrical and electronic household products and office equipment for the benefit of government authorities, consumers, manufacturers, and testing labs. The document will specify a conceptual framework of power modes and related functions, its definitions, methods of measurement of electrical low power mode consumption, like off mode and standby mode, and the reporting of the results.


Standardization on the safety of household appliances is under the responsibility of CLC/TC 61 ‘Safety of household and similar electrical appliances’ . This Technical Committee (TC), in close cooperation with its international counterpart IEC/TC 61, develops standards containing safety requirements for more than 100 electrical appliances intended primarily for household use, but also for commercial use, such as those used in professional kitchens.

European Standards on the safety of household and similar electrical appliances (part of the EN 60335 series) are continuously adapted to align with the latest technological changes. Most of these standards are candidates for harmonization in support of European legislation.

In 2025, CLC/TC 61 will continue working on the European adoption of the latest IEC standards developed by IEC/TC 61, focusing on remote operation/communication and cybersecurity. The TC will also start with the revision of EN IEC 62115 ‘Electric toys – Safety’ to implement the requirements of the EU Decision of 24 October 2022 in support of Directive 2009/48/EC. Additionally, CLC/TC 61 will continue to focus on the alignment of their standards to European legislation (more precisely to the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU, the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, and the Machinery Regulation 2023/1230/EU).

Standards published by CEN and CENELEC in the sector

  • CEN and CENELEC Portfolio of deliverables: 818 ENs + 13 other deliverables
  • Work items currently in the Work Programme: 265 ENs + 4 other deliverables

Standardization requests from EC/EFTA

  • M/451 - Power consumption measurement of simple set-top boxes in active and standby modes
  • M/469 - Circulators
  • M/498 - Pumps
  • M/534 – Water heaters
  • M/544 - Ecodesign requirements for network standby
  • M/545 - Ecodesign / computers and computer servers
  • M/550 -  Ecodesign and energy labelling of local space heaters
  • M/560 - Ecodesign requirements for air heating products, cooling products, high temperature process chillers and fan coils
  • M/566 - Ecodesign and energy labelling requirements for household dishwashers, household washing machines and household washer-dryers
  • M/582 - Ecodesign and energy labelling requirements for refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function
  • M/586 – Ecodesign and energy labelling for refrigerating appliances
  • M/592 – Electronic displays
  • M/594 – EcoWash: ecodesign and energy labelling requirements for household washing machines and household washer-dryers
  • M/595 – Gas appliances and fittings
  • M/600 - Tumble dryers


  • M/xxx (expected) – Ecodesign requirements for electric motors and variable speed drives (VSD)

  • M/xxx (expected) - Household and office electrical and electronic equipment in order to ensure that their energy consumption on off mode, standby mode and networked standby is limited

Further information