Business sectors

Health and Safety

Technical Bodies

CEN and CENELEC develop European Standards setting quality, performance, and safety requirements for a wide variety of medical devices and associated products, ranging from contact lenses through antiseptics to road ambulances, and also including health informatics.

Standardization plays a fundamental role in this sector, as it ensures a high level of safety for patients and users of medical devices. It also guarantees that a device used in one country can also be used in any other country, with the same results.

The CEN-CENELEC Strategic Advisory Group Healthcare Standards (CEN-CLC/SAG HS) will continue supporting CEN and CENELEC in the exploration of potential new areas for standardization in the medical field. In 2025, the group will focus on guiding relevant Technical Committees (TCs) in the transition to the new landscape under the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) (2017/745/ EU) and the In Vitro Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR) (2017/746/EU). Additionally, the group aims to facilitate discussions regarding harmonization issues between stakeholders to reduce ongoing concerns. It will also take into account sector-specific integration of sustainability topics and emerging technologies, such as digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.

In addition, Standardization on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as protective helmets, ropes used to prevent falls from a height, or footwear resistant to chemicals, is handled by Technical Committees that are part of the CEN and CENELEC Coordination Group on Personal Protective Equipment (CEN-CLC/COG PPE). One of the Group’s 2025 priorities is to continue pursuing the alignment of existing standards with the PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and coordinate the development and revision of (harmonized) standards in response to the PPE standardization request M/571. This will ensure the smooth citation of these standards in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). In turn, it will allow manufacturers, notified bodies, and other stakeholders to use these standards to benefit from a presumption of conformity against the essential health and safety requirements of the PPE Regulation.

The CEN-CLC/COG PPE gathers PPE expertise and coordinates a common approach for the Technical Committees concerned, especially regarding how to deal with future developments efficiently and coherently, even if they can lead to diverse solutions or requirements for different PPE types. The coordination also includes handling different legislation affecting the PPE market and standardization, such as the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), the Waste Directive, and the consolidation of challenges with European and international market requirements.

Following different workshop activities, Technical Committees from the PPE sector also consider how to include aspects of sustainability and circularity in PPE standardization while ensuring the protective function of the products. Additionally, PPE standardization needs to tackle upcoming (market) developments, like digitalization, the UN sustainability goals, smart PPE, inclusivity, and the influence of climate change (such as UV protection or cooling).

Furthermore, the CEN Strategic Advisory Group on Occupational health and safety (SAG OHS) mission aims to develop a coherent and coordinated approach on how to deal with aspects of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in European standardization and its limits. The aim of OHS is to prevent work-related ill health and injury, and to promote well-being at work. The SAG OHS will specifically consider new technologies and developments as standards in the field of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, circular economy, new ways of energy production, sustainability, the effects of climate change, or OHS management systems require a coordinated approach. SAG OHS also takes into account international standardization activities (if they are relevant for CEN and CENELEC). Under the European Treaties, many OHS aspects fall under the jurisdiction of national laws and regulations, which are the responsibility of employers and workers. However, there has been a significant increase in international standardization related to OHS, some of which is not aligned with the European regulatory framework. The SAG OHS among others is responsible for identifying standardization activities that are not consistent with OHS related European legal requirements.

44 Technical Bodies responsible

CEN/CLC/JTC 3 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices
CEN/CLC/JTC 16 Active Implantable Medical Devices
CEN/CLC/JTC 23 Horizontal topics for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
CEN/SS S02 Transfusion equipment
CEN/SS S03 Syringes
CEN/SS S30 Occupational health and safety management systems
CEN/SS S99 Health, environment and medical equipment - Undetermined
CEN/TC 102 Sterilizers and associated equipment for processing of medical devices
CEN/TC 122 Ergonomics
CEN/TC 137 Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents
CEN/TC 140 In vitro diagnostic medical devices
CEN/TC 158 Head protection
CEN/TC 159 Hearing protectors
CEN/TC 160 Protection against falls from height including working belts
CEN/TC 161 Foot and leg protectors
CEN/TC 162 Protective clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets
CEN/TC 170 Ophthalmic optics
CEN/TC 204 Sterilization of medical devices
CEN/TC 205 Non-active medical devices
CEN/TC 206 Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices
CEN/TC 215 Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment
CEN/TC 216 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics
CEN/TC 231 Mechanical vibration and shock
CEN/TC 239 Rescue systems
CEN/TC 251 Health informatics
CEN/TC 285 Non-active surgical implants
CEN/TC 293 Assistive products and accessibility
CEN/TC 305 Potentially explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection
CEN/TC 362 Healthcare services - Quality management systems
CEN/TC 392 Cosmetics
CEN/TC 403 Aesthetic surgery and aesthetic non-surgical medical services
CEN/TC 470 Quality along the patient pathway in medical imaging
CEN/TC 55 Dentistry
CEN/TC 79 Respiratory protective devices
CEN/TC 85 Eye protective equipment
CEN/WS 068 Quality criteria for health checks
CEN/WS 102 CEN Workshop on guidelines for introducing tele-medical and pervasive monitoring technologies balancing privacy protection against the need for oversight and care
CEN/WS 118 Absorbent hygiene products - Test methods for analyzing trace chemicals
CEN/WS DHI Digital health innovations – Good practice guide for obtaining user consent for personal health information
CEN/WS EXOSK Integration process of new technologies of physical assistance such as exoskeletons
CLC/SR AAL Active Assisted Living
CLC/TC 31 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
CLC/TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice
CLC/TC 78 Equipment and tools for live working

CEN/TC 158 'Head protection’ will develop a new standard for 'Helmets for high-speed cycling' requested by the European Commission due to the increasing number of Speed-Electrically Power Assisted Cycles (S-EPACs) in the market and the absence of an appropriate standard for helmets for their users. This standard will be developed in support of PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

CEN/TC 158 ‘Head protection’ – together with ISO/TC 83 – will also finalize the EN ISO 10256 series on 'Protective equipment for use in ice hockey' Part 1-4. These standards will be offered for citation in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) in support of PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425. Additionally, FprEN 397 'Industrial protective helmets' will be published and offered for citation in the OJEU in support of the PPE Regulation.

Following the publication of the new test method standard EN 17950:2024 'Protective helmets – Test methods – Shock absorption including measuring rotational kinematics', CEN/TC 158 will continue its work on  the first product standards, including requirements for oblique impact using the head forms of prEN 1078 'Helmets for cyclists' and prEN 1080 'Impact protection for young children'.

Additional activities planned for 2025 by the Technical Committee (TC) include the revision of the 'Firefighters Helmets' standard, the finalization of the revision of prEN 12492 ‘Mountaineering equipment – Helmets for mountaineers – Safety requirements and test methods', and the development of a new standard EN 18100 on 'Helmets for Ski Mountaineers’.

CEN-CLC/JTC 23 ‘Horizontal topics for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)’ was created to develop deliverables on horizontal topics (such as supporting the specific products of the PPE Technical Committees). A structure with several working groups is set up to deal with topics such as sustainability, inclusiveness, smart PPE, compatibility or PPE for fire and rescue emergency services. Each of the working groups will start developing their work items in 2025, some in cooperation with ISO. Experts with different backgrounds are welcome to join these working groups.


CEN/TC 231 ‘Mechanical vibration and shock’ will work on EN ISO 5349-3 ‘Mechanical vibration – Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration – Part 3: Isolated and repeated shocks using the frequency range of ISO 5349-1’. This work is primarily driven by the industry, with stakeholders from occupational health and safety, public service, and manufacturers of hand-held, hand-guided, and mobile machinery expected as the users of the standard. It will provide the industry with a reliable method for measuring repeated shock vibration. Given its international relevance, this standard will be critical for manufacturers of hand-held, hand-guided, and mobile machinery seeking to sell their products in the European Union.  The standard will be developed in support of Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230, in cooperation with ISO.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): other

CEN/TC 159 ‘Hearing protectors’ will continue revising its main standard prEN 458 on the selection, use, care, and maintenance of hearing protectors.

The revision not only aligns EN 458 with the updated standard series EN 352 for hearing protectors falling under the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425, but it also updates EN 458 to fit testing methods for hearing protectors described in EN 17479 ‘Hearing protectors – Guidance on selection of individual fit testing methods’. EN 458 is extended with a new annex that provides guidance on sustainability, taking into account the different responsibilities within organizations, such as sourcing, safety, supervision, and correct use. The standard is also intended to guide employers, supervisors, and safety advisors. Additionally, it gives information to all who need to use hearing protectors.

CEN/TC 160 ‘Protection against falls from height including working belts’ will focus on revising its standards listed under the PPE standardization request for harmonization in support of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425. These revisions will include:

  • prEN 355 rev ‘Personal fall protection equipment – Energy absorbers’
  • prEN 361 rev ‘Personal fall protection equipment – Full body harnesses’

CEN/TC 161 ‘Foot and leg protectors’ will focus on the revision of prEN 13832 rev ‘Footwear protecting against chemicals’ series. The Technical Committee will also work on prEN ISO 17249 ‘Safety footwear for users of handheld chain saws (ISO/DIS 17249:2024)’ and prEN 15090 ‘Footwear for firefighters’. These standards will be developed in support of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and its corresponding mandate (M/571).

CEN/TC 162 ‘Protective clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets’ will continue its work to fulfil the Personal Protective Equipment Mandate (M/571) by advancing projects that support the PPE Regulation.

CEN/TC 162 will also advance its work on a standard for ‘Warning Clothing with Active Lighting’. This new initiative will complement prEN ISO 20471 rev ‘High visibility clothing – Test methods and requirements’ and EN 17353:2020/prA1 - ‘Protective clothing – Enhanced visibility equipment for medium risk situations – Test methods and requirements’, focusing on equipment for active luminous warning clothing, with specific attention to developing test methods and requirements. Additionally, the Technical Committee, together with ISO, will start working on EN ISO 10256-5 ‘Protective Equipment for Use in Ice Hockey – Part 5: Neck Laceration Protectors’.

For the standard on motorcyclists’ protective clothing against mechanical impact, different parts of the EN 1621 series will be initiated.

In the field of body protection for sports, the following standards will be developed:

  • EN 13158 ‘Protective clothing – Protective jackets, body and shoulder protectors for equestrian use, for horse riders and those working with horses, and for horse drivers – Requirements and test methods’ will be expanded to a series of three standards for protective garments for equestrian activities, including requirements for protective jackets, incorporation of airbags and test methods;
  • a new series of EN 13159 with three parts of standards for back protectors for equestrian use, including requirements for incorporation of airbags and specifying test methods, will be initiated.

Additionally, the Technical Committee is working closely with ISO/TC 94/SC 13 ‘Protective clothing’ to develop EN ISO standards:

  • in the area of protective gloves, they are working on the EN ISO 374 series on ‘Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organism’, finalizing parts 1, 5 and 6;
  • work will restart on the EN ISO 16602 series on ‘Protective clothing for protection against chemicals’, setting requirements for protective clothing for protection against chemicals. The six parts of this series will integrate the takeaways from other existing documents and establish identical requirements and test methods at both the European and international levels, supporting the PPE Regulation.


CEN/TC 162 ‘Protective clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets’ will also have a closer look on how to include sustainability aspects in PPE standardization and how this can be included in daily standardization. The Technical Committee is also reviewing its business plan with the focus to include future trends like sustainability and digitalization.

Medical devices

CEN/TC 102 'Sterilizers and associated equipment for processing of medical devices' is actively working on the development of standards listed under the Medical Device Standardization Request (M/575) in support of the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) and the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR).

Regarding the ongoing standardization activities planned for further development in 2025, CEN/TC 102 will focus on revising EN 868 ‘Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices’ parts 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, with the revision of parts 5, 8, 9, and 10 to follow.

Furthermore, EN 13060 ‘Sterilizers for medical purposes – Small steam sterilizers – Requirements and testing’ will be further revised to meet the requirements of the MDR.

For EN 14222 ‘Stainless steel steam boilers’, an amendment in accordance with the MDR and the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (2014/68/EU) is also under development.

Additionally, the TC will work on a new project: EN ISO 19253 ‘Sterilization of health care products – Application of ISO/TS 22421 to the requirements for sterilizers used for the terminal sterilization of health care products containing aqueous liquid in sealed containers’.

Furthermore, CEN/TC 102 will work on EN 17180 ’Sterilizers for medical purposes – Low temperature vapourized hydrogen peroxide sterilizers – Requirements and testing’, which will be the first edition of the standard. The working group will also focus on the revision of EN 14180 'Sterilizers for medical purposes – Low temperature steam and formaldehyde sterilizers – Requirements and testing’, as well as prEN 1422 rev ‘Sterilizers for medical purposes – Ethylene oxide sterilizers – Requirements and test methods’.

In addition, the TC will continue working on the revision of EN ISO 11138 ‘Sterilization of health care products – Biological indicators’ and the EN ISO 11140 series on ‘Sterilization of health care products – Chemical indicators’, as well as the EN ISO 15883 series on ‘Washer-disinfectors’ to meet the requirements of the MDR.

Still under the portfolio of CEN/TC 102, the standards listed below are expected to be completed in 2025:

  • EN 868 series on ‘Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices’, parts 2, 3, 4, 6, 7;
  • EN ISO 15883-2 series on ‘Washer-disinfectors’, parts 2,3, 7;
  • EN 1422 ‘Sterilizers for medical purposes – Ethylene oxide sterilizers – Requirements and test methods’;
  • EN 14180 'Sterilizers for medical purposes – Low temperature steam and formaldehyde sterilizers – Requirements and testing’;
  • EN 17180 ’Sterilizers for medical purposes – Low temperature vapourized hydrogen peroxide sterilizers – Requirements and testing’;
  • EN 13060 'Small steam sterilizers'.

CEN/TC 215 ‘Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment’ will explore the adoption of new international work in the following areas:

  • ‘Facemasks for ventilation of patients’: this is a new international work item requiring a lot of consideration due to the large number of different masks on the market;
  • ‘Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment – Waste volatile anaesthetic agent capture systems’: this standard is intended to improve safety for patients and clinicians while also reducing the environmental impact of anaesthetic agents which are potent greenhouse gases;
  • ‘Cryogenic storage systems with automated nitrogen supply systems – Design, installation, and testing of Cryogenic Pipeline Systems’: it addresses a category of pipeline installations that currently have no particular standard to provide recommendations.

In parallel with these new initiatives, CEN/TC 215 will continue supporting the development of harmonized standards that meet the general safety and performance requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR). This will enable manufacturers to benefit from a presumption of conformity that results from harmonization.

CEN/TC 205 'Non-active medical devices' will continue working on the following standards:

  • the revision of the EN 455 series on 'Medical gloves for single use' to meet the requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR), including the development of the first edition of EN 455-5 'Medical gloves for single use – Part 5: Extractable chemical residues';
  • the development of the new series of standards on 'Respiratory infection prevention devices for self- and third-party protection', which consists of five parts. The first part of this standard, ‘Respiratory infection prevention devices for self- and third-party protection – Part 1: Requirements and marking’ will be developed in support of both the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) and the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

 Additionally, CEN/TC 205 will continue working together with ISO/TC 76 'Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use', ISO/TC 84 'Devices for administration of medicinal products and catheters', and ISO/TC 157 'Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics' on the following harmonized standards in support of  the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR)  and Standardization Request (M/575):

  • EN ISO 4074 'Natural rubber latex male condoms – Requirements and test methods';
  • EN ISO 3826-2 'Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components – Part 2: Graphical symbols for use on labels and instruction leaflets';
  • EN ISO 3826-3 'Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components – Part 3: Blood bag systems with integrated features'.

CEN/TC 206 ‘Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices’ is actively supporting the development of EN ISO 10993 ‘Biological evaluation of medical devices’ series, as well as EN ISO 14155 ‘Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects – Good clinical practice’. These standards are listed in support of the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and its mandate (M/575) for harmonization. In addition, the TC will work on the following new projects:

  • prEN ISO 21762 ‘Medical devices utilizing human tissues and their derivatives – Application of risk management’ and
  • prEN ISO 18969 ‘Clinical evaluation of medical devices’.

CEN/TC 239 ‘Rescue systems’ will develop prEN 1789-1 ‘Medical vehicles and their equipment – Road ambulances – Part 1: Requirements for medical devices‘ and  prEN 1789-2 rev ‘Medical vehicles and their equipment – Road ambulances – Part 2: Operational and technical requirements’.

prEN 1789-1 rev will support the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and its Standardization Request (M/575), while prEN 1789-2 rev will support Regulation (EU) 2018/858 on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, as well as of systems, components, and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.

The key drivers for this work are industry, commerce, labour, and NGOs, with a broad range of stakeholders including SMEs, consumers, and government entities. These standards are expected to bring substantial benefits, such as enhancing the ergonomic design and safety of both medical crews and patients, while supporting the tendering process.

Standards published by CEN and CENELEC in the sector

  • CEN and CENELEC Portfolio of deliverables: 1767 ENs + 124 other deliverables
  • Work items currently in the Work Programme: 435 ENs + 18 other deliverables

Standardization requests from EC/EFTA

  • M/571 – Personal Protective Equipment
  • M/575 – Medical Devices

Further information