Food, beverages and related products
CEN/TC 275 ‘Food analysis - Horizontal methods’ standardizes horizontal methods for the analysis of foodstuffs, guaranteeing a high degree of food safety in Europe. Standards that are scheduled to be published in 2025 include:
- prEN 13806-1 ‘Foodstuffs – Determination of trace elements – Part 1: Determination of total mercury in foodstuffs by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) – cold vapour technique after pressure digestion’;
- prEN 13806-2 ‘Foodstuffs – Determination of trace elements – Part 2: Determination of total mercury in foodstuffs by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) – Cold vapour technique after pressure digestion’;
- prEN 13806-3 ‘Foodstuffs – Determination of trace elements – Part 3: Determination of total mercury in foodstuffs with atomic absorption directly from the foodstuff (elemental mercury analysis)’;
- prEN 18032 ‘Foodstuff – Quick Method for the Analysis of Multiple Highly Polar Pesticides and their Metabolites in Foodstuff Involving Extraction with Acidified Methanol and Measurement by LC- or IC-MS/MS (QuPPe-Method)’; and
- prEN 14526 ‘Foodstuffs – Determination of saxitoxin-group toxins in shellfish – HPLC method using pre-column derivatization with peroxide or periodate oxidation’.
In 2025, the committee plans to start the revision of standards in the mycotoxin and process contaminants sector as a reaction to the changes in their respective regulations: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2782 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/915.
CEN/TC 454 ‘Algae and algae products’ is developing European standards under Standardization Request M/547 on algae and algae-based products or intermediates.
In 2025, the committee will finalize and publish prEN 18034 ‘Algae and algae products – Methods of sampling and analysis – Determination of chlorophyll a content’, which is funded through a European Commission grant.
Furthermore, the technical committee will work on several other topics, such as protein, amino acid, polysaccharides, fatty acids, inorganic arsenic, carotenoid and phycobiliprotein, for which it requires the results of interlaboratory studies to support their development.