CLC/TC 13 ‘Electrical energy measurement and control’ will continue to maintain – and if necessary, develop – electrical meter base standards to be cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) for the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) and/or the EMCD (EN IEC 62052-11:2021/A11:2022, EN 50470-3:2022, and EN 50470-4:2023).
The TC will also continue to work on the harmonization of international standards related to metering data and their exchange, such as the EN IEC 62056 series ‘Electricity metering data exchange’, which continues to include new communication technologies.
CLC/TC 14 ‘Power transformers’ will continue standardization in the field of power transformers, tap changers, and reactors for use in power generation, transmission, and distribution. Generally, these transformers have power ratings above 1 kVA single phase and 5 kVA polyphase with a higher voltage winding of 1 000 V or more. However, the scope includes lower voltage transformers and regulators used in power delivery applications. At least three standards are expected to be published in 2025: EN IEC 60076-4 ‘Power transformers – Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing – Power transformers and reactors’, EN 50708-1-1 ‘Power transformers – Additional European requirements – Part 1-1: Common part – General requirements’, and EN 50708-3-3 ‘Power transformers – Additional European requirements: Part 3-3: Large power transformer – Accessories’.
CLC/TC 17AC ‘High-voltage switchgear and controlgear’ will continue to prepare harmonized standards for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear, including their assemblies for rated voltages above AC 1 kV or DC 1,5 kV. The TC will also prepare and revise harmonized standards for enclosures of gas-filled high-voltage switchgear with a design pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. Thanks to the newly established Working Group 05, they will investigate how to proceed with circular economy aspects within the scope of the TC, to be able to enable using recycled materials. Parallel standard development with IEC allows at least two new documents to be published in the series of EN IEC 62271 in 2025: prEN IEC 62271-201:2024 and prEN IEC 62271-208:2024.
CLC/TC 22X ‘Power electronics’ will continue to prepare and adapt international standards in the context of Energy Management, Sustainable Energy, and Ecodesign. TC 22X will start working on a large number of amendments in their Work Programme of 2025 to harmonize more IEC standards to the European market in support of LVD and EMCD. More publications are expected in 2025, such as prEN IEC 62909-1:2024, thanks to parallel development with IEC.
CLC/TC 23BX ‘Switches, boxes and enclosures for household and similar purposes, plugs and socket outlet for D.C.’ will continue the harmonization series of EN IEC 60669-2 concerning switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. The TC will also finalize the work on the EN IEC 61995 series. TC 23BX will continue supporting the harmonization work with LVD and EMCD.
CLC/TC 23E ‘Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications’ will continue preparing harmonized standards – mostly for LVD – for electrical circuit breakers for overcurrent protection, devices protecting against electric shocks, and all related accessories. These devices are used for household and similar purposes, including locations such as offices, commercial and industrial premises, hospitals, and public buildings. More publications are expected in 2025, such as EN 62606:2013/FprA2:2022 and EN IEC 60898-3:2024, with European amendments.
develops European standards on electrical light sources, including lamps, lamp caps and holders, lamp control gear, and luminaires.
In 2025, awaiting the publication of the new edition of EN IEC 60598-1 ‘Luminaires – Part 1: General requirements and tests’, CLC/TC 34, will finalize some parts of the EN IEC 60598 series and several parts of EN IEC 61347 ‘Controlgear for electric light sources – Safety’. Both series will be offered for citation under the Low Voltage Directive.
Furthermore, CLC/TC 34 will work on other topics, such as LED light sources standards: EN IEC 62031 ED3 (LED modules safety), EN IEC 63554 ED1 (LED lamps safety), and EN IEC 63555 (LED light sources performance); temporal light artefacts: EN IEC 63158-1 ED 1 (flicker) and EN IEC 63158-2 ED1 (stroboscopic effects); and lighting systems standards: EN IEC 63494 Part 1: ED1 and Part 2-1: ED1 on lighting systems and electro-mechanical interfaces safety and interchangeability, respectively.
CLC/TC 37AC ‘Low voltage surge protective devices’ will continue to harmonize standards, mostly in support of LVD, to cover surge protective devices (SPDs) for protection against surges due to lightning and/or other transient overvoltages and their selection and application. The EN IEC 61643 series on ‘Low-voltage surge protective devices’ will continue to be developed in 2025, expecting harmonized standard publications, including Part 1 ‘General Requirements and test methods’, as well as Parts 11, 21, and 41.
CLC/TC 57 ‘Power systems management and associated information exchange’ will continue the parallel standard development with IEC to prepare international standards for power systems control equipment and systems including Energy Management Systems (EMS), Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), distribution automation, teleprotection, and associated information exchange for real-time and non-real-time information, used in the planning, operation, and maintenance of power systems. TC 57 expects to publish standard in 2025, including EN IEC 62351-7 ‘Power systems management and associated information exchange – Data and communications security – Part 7: Network and system management (NSM) data object models’, EN 61850-6:2010/A2 ‘Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs’, as well as EN IEC 62746-4 ‘Systems interface between customer energy management system and the power management system – Part 4: Demand Side Resource Interface’.
CLC/TC 64 ‘Electrical installations and protection against electric shock’ is responsible for standardization on the protection against electric shock arising from equipment, installations, and systems without limit of voltage. TC 64 will continue working on several projects in the framework of the HD 60364 series. Several publications are expected in 2025.
CLC/TC 72 ‘Automatic electrical controls’ will continue developing international standards in parallel with IEC related to inherent safety, the operating characteristics where they are associated with applicational safety, and testing automatic electrical control devices used in appliances and other apparatus, electrical and non-electrical for household and similar purposes, for example for central heating and air conditioning. TC 72 is expecting over 10 publications in the EN IEC 60730-2 ‘Automatic electrical controls – Part X‘ series in 2025.
CLC/TC 85X ‘Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities’ works on standards that ensure that the electrical equipment used to power the All-Electric Society is calibrated and installed correctly.
In 2025, the TC will work to harmonize
- IEC 61557-12 – ‘Power metering and monitoring devices (PMD) for AC’;
- IEC 61557-12-1 – ‘Power metering and monitoring devices (PMD) for DC’;
- prEN 60688 – ‘Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c. electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals’ (for common modifications for LVD and EMCD);
- prEN IEC 62974-1 – ‘Monitoring and measuring systems used for data collection, aggregation and analysis – Part 1 – Device requirements’ (for common modifications for LVD and EMCD);
- prEN IEC 61557-10 – ‘Combined measuring equipment for testing, measuring and monitoring of protective measures’ (to harmonize with LVD).
Other deliverables that mark a milestone and/or respond to specific needs due to be completed in 2025 include the publication of EN IEC 61557-1/A1, EN IEC 61557-13, EN IEC 61557-14, and EN IEC 61557-16.
Furthermore, CLC/TC 85X has ongoing standardization activities that will continue to be developed in 2025, including prEN IEC 63580 ‘Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities – Environmental aspects’. This standard will provide guidance to manufacturers of measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities (ME3Q) in evaluating and improving the environmental impact of their products and in enabling effective communication using common references for environmental information throughout the supply chain. Another standard where ongoing works will continue in 2025 is prEN IEC 61557-18 ‘DC EV supply equipment monitoring device’.
CLC/TC 85X also anticipates starting work on new activities in 2025. To illustrate, two highlights are the future EN IEC 61557-19 ‘Monitoring device for earthing impedance in IT-systems’ and the future IEC 61557-12-1 ‘Power metering and monitoring devices (PMD) for DC’.
CLC/TC 121A ‘Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear’ will continue to develop – in parallel with IEC – standards for the European market in the EN IEC 60947 series on ‘Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear’.
CLC/TC 205 will continue to work on the harmonization of international standards related to Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS):
- CLC/FprTS 50491-7:2024 (pr=75291) ‘General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) – Part 7: IT security and data protection – User Guide’;
- prEN IEC 63402-1:2024 (pr=74575) ‘Energy efficiency systems – Smart grid – Application specification – Interface and framework for customer; interface between the CEM and home/building resource manager – General requirements and architecture’;
- prEN IEC 63402-2-2 (pr=79500) ‘Energy efficiency systems – Smart grid – Customer energy management systems – Interface between the home/building CEM and resource manager(s) – Data model and messaging’.
CLC/TC 216 ‘Gas detectors’ will continue standardization work on general and specific requirements for the construction, safety, performance and testing of electrical apparatus for sensing the presence of gas or vapour and for providing an indication, alarm and/or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of explosion hazard, fire hazard, or health hazard. The TC will continue working on FprEN 50725 ‘Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure draught and gas pressure of heating appliances and systems’, with publication expected in 2025.